Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Boy... That escalated quickly.

          Last week I talked about the post election bitterness from high profile individuals, namely Donald Trump. President Obama's re-election triggered responses from several other celebrities, as a product of social media, and perhaps is illustration of how social media is a factor of how the country has become divided. It appears, however, that social media responses, from high to low profile individuals, are not the only expression of discontent with the election results. More than 100,000 Americans have resorted to another form of protest, and are actively aiming to achieve one goal; secession.

          In her article, published by New York Daily News, Kristin A. Lee reports that more than 100,000 Americans, in more than 20 states, have signed a petition for their respective states to secede from the United States. The petition set in Georgia has even gone as far as invoking civil war, while another argues that "voter fraud has been committed" (Lee, 2012). The petitioners used the federal government's "We the People" website to gain the attention of the Obama administration. Lee describes that the petitions only require 25,000 signatures in order to gain a response from the federal government; and while the many of the petitions have exceeded that number, this initiative's impact exceeds nothing more than an expression of discontent.

          Having surpassed the 25,000 signature threshold, the petitions are entitled to a response from the federal government; however, a response does not encompass the necessity of any form of action. Technically, a press conference held by the president simply stating "too bad", is considered a response. Petitions are not legally binding; therefore, there is no requirement of any action to be taken. Although the overall number of signatures is constantly raising, which is currently nearing the 500,000 mark (, that number is still considered minuscule and do not warrant any restructuring of the of nation's political system. Lee notes that many of these petitions use the same passage from the constitution, ""Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government." (Lee, 2012).

          To my perspective, this passage entitles the right to a revolution if the government harms the form of government, which is the democratic system. An abolishing of the government would be justified if the election victory meant that the president held power despite losing the election.  Furthermore, my question is; how has this election become destructive towards the integrity of the democratic system? Obama and the Democrat party won this election the same way that elections have been won in previous years, and also achieved the popular vote.What entitles these constituents to such a radical restructuring of the political system? Aside from turning this initiative over as a radical right wing over-reaction, it drew my attention to another perspective.

         With the negativity surrounding the election results, perhaps there is not enough emphasis placed upon the House of Representatives and Senate. Although Obama will lead the country for another four years, the Republican party continues to dominate the House of Representatives, while the senate is virtually split even. Not only are these reactions over-reactive, but they overlook the bicameral structure of the country's legislature. The Republican members, unsurprisingly, will tend to their Republican constituents, which will maintain the challenges Obama is faced with in decision making. When looking back to other acts, such as DREAM of the Paycheck Fairness (the list can go on), many of these leftist acts which seem to be increasingly feared by Republican supporters, have failed to pass. The reaction to invoke secession seems to stir the impression that Obama has become an absolute dictator, but there is no doubt that the president will continue to face tough challenges ahead, especially with the "fiscal cliff" looming the near future. Obama may have retained the leadership role, but his ability to impose his entire plan upon the government is far from guaranteed.


Lee, Kristin A. 2012. "After President Obama's election victory, surge in petitions to secede from United States - including one for New York State". The New York Daily Times. web.

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